Help robots will appear in the Tokyo Metro

The authorities of the Japanese city of Tokyo are planning to install robots in the metro, helping passengers navigate the train directions and get the necessary background information.

Robots are everywhere entering the life of modern humans. Developers regularly receive information about successful tests of robots working to help people in loading and unloading goods, robots, helping law enforcement agencies in patrolling and searching for criminals. And now on the turn robots helpers.

 Tokyo Robot

The main functionality assigned to the "assistants" - informing passengers. That is, the car will play the role of an information desk, providing information on how to get to a particular destination, and how long the trip will take. In addition, with the help of the robot it will be possible to understand the infrastructure of the metro, find toilets, exits, locations of representatives of law enforcement agencies.Also, the devices will collect information about passenger traffic, inform the relevant authorities about the congestion of stations.

As conceived by the authors of the design, such functionality will make it possible to optimize the work of the metro, increase the level of comfort for passengers and prevent a number of emergency situations.

The new model is an ATM or terminal with a height of just under 2 meters, it has built-in speakers and a microphone, there is a display for displaying information messages.

Unlike stationary terminals, the robot will be able to move using wheels. The first stage of the test will last three months and will cover 6 metro stations. After processing the results, it will be clear whether to continue the introduction of new items at the remaining stations, or it is more expedient to close the project.

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