Embr Wave Universal Bracelet helps keep you warm in the cold and cool in the heat

Specialists at the Massachusetts University of Technology have created a bracelet that regulates human well-being at low or high air temperatures.

Nowadays, specialized bracelets are used mainly for counting steps, measuring the pulse, determining blood pressure, and also as devices that replace mobile gadgets. The Embr Wave device is a fundamentally new device.


The device operates in automatic mode and at the request of the user activates a program that allows you to adjust the changes in air temperature at a tactile level.

We are talking about the tactile level, because, in fact, the temperature values ​​of the body of a person and the surrounding air do not change. The authors of the methodology note that the sensation of temperature is a subjective phenomenon, people begin to feel more comfortable in the heat when something cold is applied to their body, and at low temperatures, on the contrary, it warms contact with warm objects.

 The girl with the bracelet

To activate the bracelet, you need to touch a special area, then you need to select the right or left temperature adjustment button. The right panel is designed to warm the user, the left - for cooling. Temperature changes can be felt in a few minutes. The compactness of the device allows you to use it periodically when there is a desire to correct the environmental conditions, or rather, their own feelings from them.

The very idea of ​​the project appeared 5 years ago. In 2017, over 600 thousand dollars were raised through the Kickstarter platform to translate the idea into real life. It is expected that the first bracelets will be available in March 2019, their price will be approximately $ 300 apiece.

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