The new flexible robot can be your Swiss home helper.
Researchers at the Swiss Polytechnic School have created a flexible vacuum robot. He is able to move independently, grabbing objects, and crawling on slippery glass surfaces. The author of the new invention was Jamie Paik.
The system consists of three modules of inflatable type, which are able to change their size through compression or expansion. This allows them to change the direction of their movement in accordance with a given path. All three modules can be used, and only one can be used - all parts are easily separated from each other and are able to work independently. The vacuum pump provides power to the robot, the control system is the same for all parts.
The developers promise that the new device will have multifunctionality. For example, when you attach a special unit to the bottom, you can turn the robot into a device that captures objects.If the length of the modules is not enough, you can easily add a few more parts and use them in a single system. And with the help of suckers, you can make the device crawl through the windows.
A distinctive feature of the invention, in comparison with similar models created earlier, is the "contractile" way of operating the system. In predecessors, the mechanism of air pressure was taken as the basis, which, due to the strong stretching of artificial muscles, quite often led to breakdowns of parts. The new version of the work eliminates such difficulties.
The new robot, according to its creators, can become an indispensable assistant in the performance of various household tasks. He can, for example, give you the necessary tools for making minor repairs, help to wash the windows, and probably even push the curtains and bring slippers. Whether the creators will be able to translate into reality the ideal model of such a robot and, most importantly, make it accessible to ordinary people, time will tell.