What is good catalytic heat source

More and more consumers are interested in spare heat resources, in case when it is not possible to use the main sources of heating. Catalytic (gas or gasoline) heater is a progressive novelty among heating devices that has gained popularity in Russia and Europe in a short period of time.

What it is and how it works

Catalytic heaters are heat generating devices. by oxidation. For this purpose, a catalyst plate is placed in the instrument case, when a fuel gets into which reaction takes place, as a result of which heat is generated.

Fuel consumption is carried out in a flameless way. And this eliminates the formation of products of combustion, which makes the device environmentally friendly and safe.In terms of efficiency, the heater bypassed the standard gas burner.

 Catalytic heater

All of these factors explain the growing consumer confidence. Heating is as follows:

  1. The surface of the catalyst plate is heated from 200 to 5000WITH.
  2. The fuel / air fluid is heated in a separate chamber.
  3. Fuel burning vapors fall onto a hot fiberglass plate.
  4. Under the influence of a catalyst, a reaction of the so-called flameless combustion takes place.

In other words, the device is working due to oxidation of combustion products.

Fuel in contact with the plate of the catalyst interacts with it, oxidizes and produces a large amount of energy. Compared with the small size of the heater itself, the volume of heat produced by it is impressive.

A standard catalytic device is capable of maintaining heat in an area ranging from 15 to 25 square meters.

The plate will serve about seven yearsafter which it can be changed in special repair shops, there is no need to buy a new device.


Catalytic heat sources are divided into three types, depending on the fuel used:

  1. Gas.
     Gas catalytic heater

  2. Petrol.
     Gasoline catalytic heater

  3. Infrared.
     Infrared catalytic heater

Gas heater

Fuel in such heaters acts propane-butane in liquefied form. With the help of a catalyst, the gas burns well, but this does not affect the air quality. Currently, manufacturers offer a large selection gas heaters. There are models, supplemented with Teng and heat fan. These features allow you to increase the power of the device to 4.9 kW.

Gasoline based

Gasoline catalytic heater works due to gasoline vaporserved from a special compartment. The gasoline itself is placed in the same tank, which is sent further to the catalytic cartridge, where oxygen oxidation takes place - the very process of combustion without fire. The ventilation system removes decomposition products and provides air.

Only fuel of the highest degree of purification can be used as fuel for this type of instrument.

 Catalytic gasoline heater

Of the most popular gasoline air heaters enjoys catalytic heating paddesigned for individual use.The compact device was invented during the First World War, and is now very popular among hunters, fishermen and lovers of mountain hiking.

Infrared devices

The infrared catalytic heater is a device that functions due to gas and infrared rays, the structure of which has thermal panels made of ceramics.

Infrared catalytic instruments suitable only for heating large areas, apply them in rooms less than 10 square meters. m can not.

 Catalytic infrared heater

Areas of use

Catalytic air heaters are rarely used for heating residential premises. Unless we are talking about an unfinished private house where repairs are being made, or people have already moved, and the main heating system has not yet been installed. In this case, the device will be a real salvation. However, there are more common uses:

  1. Garages. To warm the area of ​​a standard garage heater in the state, and working without a fire makes it safe to use near cars.
  2. Small workshops. The catalytic method of heating is a real salvation for workers in various workshops. Fire safety rules are there, but heating systems are usually absent.
  3. Tents. The catalytic heater for the tent will provide warmth for tourists who like to spend the night in nature. The traveling variant weighs a little, and warms the area about 20 sq.m.
  4. Greenhouses. It replaces the stove perfectly, now gardeners can not wake up at night to put firewood: the crop is under reliable protection.
  5. Timedogs. In such buildings, this is the only safe way to keep warm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive characteristics of catalytic heaters include:

  1. Compact volumes and small weight: the device of the average sizes easily is located in a car trunk.
  2. Security mode. Devices are able to monitor the level of carbon dioxide in the room. In addition, as stated, they do not have a flame, which excludes the possibility of fire.
  3. Devices very economical. Gas appliances consume about 200 grams in about an hour when operating at full power.
  4. Fuel availability. New cylinder or a couple of liters of gasoline can be purchased at any gas station.
  5. No unpleasant odors. Devices do not spoil the air by combustion products.
  6. Simple device. There are no complicated mechanisms, everything is arranged clearly and simply.

 Catalytic heater in the interior

The disadvantages can be attributed only to the high cost, especially for models with high power.

But this is not surprising, the heaters with reliable fire protection, helping out in the cold outside the house, have no competitors. Catalytic heaters firmly occupied their niche.

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Rating of the best heaters for heating small areas. Oil radiators, their main advantages and disadvantages, brands of manufacturers of climate technology for the home.

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