It became possible to "print" on a 3D printer the missing piece of the heart

Canadian specialist Mohammed Isadifar invented a way to repair heart tissue through the use of 3D printing technology.

The scientist has already tested his invention in rodents and stated that it can also be successfully applied when operating on humans. After installing the “patch” printed on a 3D printer, the attached part grows, due to which the defect of the heart tissue is localized until it disappears completely. In order to carefully study the damaged part before the operation, Mohammed used a specially adapted method of X-ray examination. Adaptation was to change the parameters of the device so that the microscopic mouse heart was viewed in sufficient proportions for further manipulation.

 Human heart

As fixing substance was used seaweed gelit is absolutely compatible with human cells, does not cause rejection, and besides, it has the ability to dissolve after the time required for the implantation of a new flap.

Reference. 3D printing has been successfully applied in many industries, and medicine is no exception. Experimental specimens of cartilages created using a printer have already been tested in Germany. In China, orthopedic bones are made this way. Scientists from Italy went even further, they said that very soon the printing technology created by them could recreate the optic nerve. At this stage, all the experiments carried out are still very far from the stage of their implementation in real life and in real operations, I want to believe that in the very near future, research and experiments will bring the first tangible results.

The cells needed to restore the heart muscle are derived from stem cells. They are placed in a hydrogel, and then transplanted to a person. After some time, the gel dissolves, and new cells stand in the defect areas, fill with vessels and allow you to completely restore the damaged organ.Experts note that the technology of 3D printing is good for the introduction of third-party cells into existing tissues. Models of three-dimensional type allow you to change the structure and strength of tissues, which speeds up the healing process and virtually eliminates the possibility of rejection.

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