Is it possible to arrange the TV in the microwave

The work of any household appliance creates electromagnetic waves that adversely affect human health. But to do without a refrigerator, television or computer in modern times is no longer possible. A large accumulation of technology in a small room increases the negative effect. Placing electrical appliances in close proximity to each other may in some cases lead to equipment damage. And the question of whether it is possible to put the TV directly on the microwave raises doubts and concerns.

 Microwave TV

The nuances of the work of electrical appliances

The proximity of the microwave oven and the TV is possible, but there are certain parameters that should be considered (for more details, see the article microwave installation rules). This is due to the distance at which they stand in relation to each other, and the type of devices.Of course, the operation of the microwave will have an effect on the TV, if you install it directly on the stove. The consequences of such a neighborhood can be very different, and above all, it depends on the following factors:

  1. Whether the microwave waves or the stove with sufficient degree of shielding.
  2. Lattice Location, allowing free operation of the fan, located on top of the furnace or on the side.
  3. The frequency and duration of the use of microwave. For example, it is used only for heating food or is one of the sources of cooking.
  4. TV type It also matters: old household appliances with a screen-beam tube or a modern plasma TV on a stand.
  5. The possibility of simultaneous operation of two devices.

Each option has a negative impact on human health and on the operation of a nearby device, but this can be more or less dangerous.

 TV over microwave

What happens when there is a TV and microwave next door?

One of the requirements of manufacturers of microwave ovens is to provide space around them for normal ventilation.If you put the TV on top, this item will already be broken.. Also, when operating a microwave without sufficient protection, microwave waves can create broadcast interference. When cooking or warming up the finished meal, a high temperature is created inside, and when you open the door, a column of steam collapses on the TV, which can damage the screen. In addition, during long-term work Microwave housing is very hot, which is also not desirable for the equipment located above (on the features of the device operation - in the article how does a microwave oven work). In this case, some elements of the chip will melt, or if the TV stand is deformed, if available.

Televisions of the old generation are completely unsuitable for this arrangement, as they are very heavy. In addition, they create a very strong electromagnetic field, which is amplified under the influence of microwave waves.

If comfortable spending time in the kitchen is of great importance, and the space is very small, you can allow the proximity of two household appliances, but at the same time try do not turn them on simultaneously. The best option would be not to put the TV on the microwave, and hang on special mounts above it. Thus, there is every chance to ensure long-term operation of one and the other device.

You may also be useful information about whether to install a microwave. on the fridge, washing machine, to another microwave oven.

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