Coffee maker, Coffee machine and Coffee grinder
Every coffee lover has an idea of household appliances, indispensable for the preparation of this miraculous drink.
A coffee grinder is a kind of home mill whose task is to grind coffee beans, and this can be done right before cooking, which will ensure the preservation of flavor and taste. The birthday of this device is April 3, 1829, when D. Carrington patented his invention. There are manual coffee grinders and electric, among which are rotary and millstone, characterized by knives.
In December 1865, the Englishman D. Nelson patented his invented coffee maker, and in 1843 the prototype of the coffee machine was created, thanks to the Frenchman Edward de Sante. Coffee makers and coffee machines are household appliances that will help in the preparation of fragrant and tasty, invigorating drink at home. The difference in these devices is that the coffee maker operates under the direct control of the person, whereas the coffee machine is an automatic device.
There are several types of coffee makers.These are drip, geyser, rozhkov, combined and other species. Each of them has its own characteristics, but they all perform their main task. A coffee machine not only brews coffee, but can also serve as a coffee grinder. It is supplemented with other functionality, it has electronic control.