Is it possible to grind something other than coffee in a coffee grinder? We learn together!

Regardless of whether your coffee grinder is manual or electric, it is designed to perform only one function - grinding coffee. But our people are so smart that they instantly expanded the functionality of this device. For what other purposes do they use a coffee grinder? What, besides coffee in it can grind? How will the device affect its use for other purposes? Let's figure it out together.

Which model is suitable

Theoretically, in a coffee grinder you can grind everything that fits there. But can this be done in practice? When buying a device in a store, pay attention to the appended to it. instruction. In it, the manufacturer indicates that you can still grind except coffee.

In the event that you have been using the coffee grinder for years,and there is no opportunity to study the instruction, you risk to spoil the coffee grinder, applying it not for the designated purpose.

 Iced sugar in a coffee grinder

It is considered the most universal millstone coffee grinder. Using it, you can adjust the amount of grinding. After all, some products need to grind into a powder, and when grinding others to achieve coarse grinding.

 Mill coffee grinder

You can also use electric knife coffee grinder. But a specific device model must be considered separately. It all depends on the quality of the knives and the power of the device.

 Knife grinder

Grind cereals

The grinder can be used to grind various cereals. Of course, you can buy a chop at the store, but sometimes there is a need for a smaller fraction. This happens, for example, in young mummies, when they begin to introduce porridge in the diet of babies. And the ability to regulate the degree of grinding is invaluable. At first, the grits are ground into flour, so that you can achieve the consistency of mashed potatoes of the finished dish. Most often, grind buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, barley and wheat cereals.

 Grinding in a manual coffee grinder

Before grinding the grits, they should be washed and thoroughly dried. Raw croup will be poorly ground and stick to knives.

How to grind spices

In the coffee grinder, you can grind almost all spices. Best for spices fit the device with millstones, so they do not cut, and fray the seeds.

For grinding such spices as:

  • black pepper;
  • dried chilli peppers;
  • salt;
  • cardamom;
  • cinnamon;
  • mustard seeds;
  • dry herbs;
  • dried garlic;
  • dried horseradish root;
  • flax grains;
  • sesame seeds.

 Grinding spices in a coffee grinder

Before you load the spices for grinding in a coffee grinder, they need to be ignited in a dry frying pan. Due to this, the grinding will be of high quality and the aroma of spices will be fully revealed.

"Needle for invention is cunning"

And that just does not grind in a coffee grinder! For ease of use thresh sea salt. After all, the smaller it is, the easier it is to dissolve it. Grind dried vegetables, fruits and pitted berries. Grind cocoa beans to make a drink.

What is the colvo without poppy? However, grind it in a mortar - quite troublesome and lengthy exercise, but you can grind poppy for kuиi in a coffee grinder in a matter of seconds. Some users even manage to beat the whites in a coffee grinder!

What products are taboo

Regardless of the company of the device, its power and quality of knives, there are general ruleswhich prohibit the grinding of certain products:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to put too hard products in the coffee grinder. After all, they can cause damage to the device.
  2. It is not recommended to grind ingredients with high fat content (for example, nutmeg and walnuts).
  3. Also, do not use a coffee grinder for powdered sugar. This is explained by the fact that sugar has a relatively low melting point. When grinding sand, the device heats up and the sugar begins to melt. And in a few seconds it sticks to the knives of the unit.
  4. Contrary to prohibitions, some still manage to grind sugar in a coffee grinder. If you really need much, we recommend to break the whole process into several techniques for 2-3 seconds. This is to ensure that the device is heated to a minimum.

Undoubtedly, grind in a coffee grinder can be anything that fits in size, but is it worth it? Consider, grinding various groats and spices, knives of the device are saturated with all sorts of smells that spoil the aroma of coffee. This problem can be solved by the device. with replaceable knives: one can be used for coffee, and the other for spices.

It is best to buy two devices: one for grinding coffee, and the other for everything else.

 Replaceable knives for the coffee grinder

Note, if the grinder breaks down due to the use of the discrepancy with the instructions, you can not count on repairs under warranty.

Whether to use a grinder for grinding various ingredients or not is up to you. But consider our advice: use the device only for grinding coffee, otherwise you risk to kill the unique aroma of ground coffee beans with the smell of spices. And to grind various cereals and spices, get a universal mill!

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