Effective measures to eliminate rust inside the kettle

The rusty residue inside the kettle is not only tasteless, but also very harmful. Most often it appears due to the properties of the water used, especially if it is hard and contains different salts, minerals and trace elements. How to clean the kettle from rust inside? It turns out that there are many different ways.

What is harmful rust

The appearance of such an education is impossible not to feel - the water gets very unpleasant taste. At the same time there are other problems.

  1. If the kettle is electric, the rust deposited on the spiral interferes with the normal heating of the water. The time allotted for this time increases by several times (together with the consumption of gas and electricity).
  2. Water with elements of rust gets into our body, which is fraught with the appearance of serious diseases.
  3. Working equipment is discarded only because of the appearance of rust, which can be easily removed.
  4. Finally, rust is capable of just eat metal and finally spoil the dishes.

 Rust in the kettle

And since the problem can be safely dealt with, it remains only to figure out how to do it.

Effective rust control methods

The main fighters on this “front” are citric acid and vinegar. They are highly efficient, inexpensive and practically in every home. The user needs only to choose the best option for themselves.

This is how you can clean it with citric acid:

  • 1 bag of citric acid is poured into the kettle;
  • the container is filled with water and boiled for at least 10 minutes;
  • then it remains only to wash the dishes.

It is quite possible to replace a similar ingredient with freshly squeezed lemon juice (citrus should be first boiled over with boiling water, so it is easier to give the juice away).

 Lemon in a teapot

And this is what happens with the help of acetic acid.

  1. The kettle is poured on one third with water and boiled.
  2. It will take 9% table vinegar, which will fill the entire further volume of utensils.
  3. All this is left for the night - in the morning it will be left to pour out the contents with separated rust particles.Rinse the appliance several times to remove unpleasant odors.

If the rust is strongly ingrained, the process can be repeated several times. And for a more effective result, it is recommended add some salt.

 Pour the vinegar into the kettle

The original approach to solving the problem

It is possible to remove rusty plaque with the help of non-standard solutions. It will be interesting to learn about some of the unique ways that clean the utensils.

  1. On a wet surface poured washing powderwhich is left to impact for 20 minutes. Now, half of the potatoes enter the battle, with which they carefully rub this place. It remains only to flush the device, but it must be done with particular diligence.
  2. Popular drink "Coca Cola" can also help eliminate the risk of corrosion. It is necessary to pour it into the kettle and leave overnight. In the morning the device is wiped with a sponge with soap and washed with water. If in the teapot the inner coating is white, then it is better to use a drink like Sprite or 7-UP - they have a minimum amount of dyes.
  3. Stayed pickle pickles or tomatoes? Feel free to pour it into the kettle. The whole secret is in the necessary consistency of citric acid and vinegar used for canning.The recipe is simple: add brine, pour the dishes to them, bring to a boil, cool, drain. Of course, there will be an unpleasant peculiar smell that can be removed by thorough washing the dishes.
     Brine cleaning
  4. It is useful and spoiled milk. It is enough to fill the kettle with one third of its volume with a drink, bring it to a boil and leave it for a short time to react.
  5. Another popular way is to use peeling potatoes, pears and apples. Usually it is used for an enameled or steel kettle - the contents are put in the dishes, boiled and left for several hours. After you need to drain the contents and boil again with clean water. Such a procedure is enough to completely wash out all the bad content.

What you should and should not do

There are a lot of recipes, but not all of them are truly effective. For example, people will help only at the initial stage of formation, and in serious cases they will only affect scale, not rust. Do not use mechanical degrees of cleaning, for example, a metal sponge or sandpaper.Any scraping will damage the internal coating, but will not bring the desired result.

There is no benefit in the use of aggressive formulations. based on sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. Firstly, it will definitely damage the internal coating, and secondly, it will leave an unhealthy aftertaste. It is very important to ensure a good rinsing, and it will be necessary to drain the boiled water after that at least a couple of times.

 Tea, teapot and biscuits

Preventive measures

It is better not to look for ways to eliminate rust, and from the time of purchase to think about preventing its appearance. It’s enough to follow simple rules.

  1. Boil only filtered water. Suit and distilled version.
  2. Do not leave liquid in the kettle after preparing a hot drink. It is important to keep the device dry, because the remaining liquid will produce calcium.
  3. Rinse the kettle after each use.
  4. Spend prophylactic cleaning teapots every month. This will save effort on fighting rust and the budget for buying a new device.

 Clean kettle inside

Thus, you can easily and easily remove rust that has appeared in the technique. But it is better not to bring it to such a state.

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