Catalytic and Hydrolytic Oven Cleaning

The oven, like any other appliance, needs to be cleaned periodically. What is and how is the catalytic cleaning of the oven?

Catalytic cleaning features

Scientifically it is chemical decomposition of substances. From the standpoint of the average user, this procedure looks like.

  1. The entire surface of the oven is covered with a special mixture, which has a rough structure and a dark color. This substance contains a special oxidation catalyst (oxide).
  2. Oxides for catalytic purification of the oven are: copper, cobalt, manganese, cerium dioxide.
  3. This mixture absorbs fat from the surface. The principle of its operation is like a blotter. In practice, with increasing temperature, the catalysts are activated, starting the start of the process of oxidation of accumulated fats.After the end of the catalytic purification fats become charred ash and water particles.

 Catalytic Oven
It is possible to carry out cleaning by the catalytic method at the initial temperature. at 150 degrees. The most effective work begins when the oven is heated to 220 degrees Celsius.

Catalytic cleaning does not require the inclusion of a special mode - it starts automatically when cooking in the oven.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method is suitable for hostesses who do not have enough time to wash the oven by handbut can not imagine the process of cooking without this device. pros ways:

  1. Plates with this feature are not so expensive. Catalytic cleaning is not a serious and expensive technology.
  2. Significant time savings, as the process takes place during cooking, so that the oven always remains clean.
  3. It is not difficult to remove the results of catalytic cleaning; it is enough to simply wipe the special plate of the device.
  4. The life of the fat-absorbing coating is about five years, after which it can be replaced. Many models are equipped with a double coated plate.This allows you to simply turn it over and forget about cleaning the oven for another 5 years. You can do it yourself, just following the instructions.
  5. Both gas and electric stoves have a function, so you can choose the one that you like.
  6. If the catalytic plates are installed on an electric plate, this cleaning method saves energy.
  7. It is equally effective in any models and any brands.
  8. Amplifying effect with repeated use.
 Catalytic surface of the furnace

Oven for catalytic cleaning

Unfortunately, not everything is so perfect, and the catalytic system has its own limitations:

  1. Catalytic coating (plate) can not clean a large amount of accumulated fat. This leads to the fact that you have to drive the oven idly or use other available methods to clean the contaminated surface.
  2. The door and the bottom of the oven are not protected: they will have to be washed manually.
  3. The grid and other cooking appliances also have to be washed on your own.
  4. One of the most ineffective ways.
  5. Does not tolerate ingestion of sweet or milk.Those places of the plate where the banned substances have entered immediately lose their fat-absorbing function.

It is forbidden to wash the catalytic plates with a hard sponge and at the same time use products containing abrasive elements.

 Catalytic cleaning result

Hydrolytic oven cleaning

Hydrolysis cleaning is another convenient way to clean the oven of fat. She carried with water and is this:

  1. Water with detergent is poured into the container.
  2. The container is placed in the included oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 90 degrees.
  3. Under the influence of steam, the fat is cleaned, and after the process is completed, it remains only to wipe it with a rag.

 Hydrolytic oven cleaning

It is important to understand that hydrolysis is not so much a self-cleaning method, but rather a convenient and fast way to cope with contaminants. It can be used only if the fat has not had time to dry.

Advantages of the method:

  • Low cost.
  • Low power consumption.


  1. Not a self-cleaning method.
  2. The method is effective only in cases when the dirt is fresh.
  3. Cannot be used immediately after you have finished cooking. This is because the oven will be too hot to use this method.

Even experts do not always know which cleaning method is right for your oven. But there are several inventionsthat will help simplify your work:

  1. The ability to install a removable door on the oven.
  2. Installation of a special design that pushes the entire working part of the oven out and allows you to completely remove it.

 Retractable designs in the oven


The choice of cleaning method depends on the frequency of use of the oven. When deciding which cleaning is better: hydrolytic or catalytic, it is important to understand that the first option is not a self-cleaning method, but is suitable for models that are not equipped with catalytic plates. The second option is ideal for those who often use the oven for cooking.

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