Mini blender for cooking baby food

No modern kitchen today is complete without a blender. This is not surprising, with the help of this household appliance cook a lot of dishes, grind foods and mix ingredients for a milkshake. It is sometimes compared with a food processor, this is understandable, the principle of their work is the same, however, by the number of functions, the latter is undoubtedly better. But the main advantage of a blender is not in an attempt to overtake the combine in terms of the number of functions performed, but in its mobility and in better grinding of products. Numerous housewives and young mothers choose a mini blender that can not only grind well products for baby food, but also prepare a healthy and healthy dish. Let's try to figure out why this device has gained so much popularity.

 Mini Blender for Cocktails

Varieties of blenders

Before deciding on the choice of a suitable device, it should be understood that they all differ not only in appearance, but also by functionality. It should be noted that the blender will in no way replace the mixer, since it will not be able to beat the egg yolks to a certain consistency power.

All blenders can be divided into 2 types:


The submersible type is a long "leg" with knives at the end, intended for grinding products. Included is a bowl for mixing ingredients and additional nozzles. The submersible model will be an excellent helper in every kitchen, the device takes up very little space, and can grind food in any container, be it a bouillon, glass or pan.

 Submersible blender

For families with young children, this model will become an indispensable assistant, because in a matter of seconds the device is able to mix and crush any dish to a liquid consistency.

It copes well with such tasks as chopping onions, chopping vegetables and fruits, including making stuffing, but not in large quantities.The disadvantage of such a device is the necessity to hold it in your hand during work, which is sometimes not very convenient.


A stationary blender has its advantages as compared with a submersible one, firstly, it should not be held in hand, secondly, its cost is much lower, thirdly, it is often equipped with a self-cleaning system. Ice is crushed with it. make smoothies and shakes, beat eggs. The peculiarity of the stationary device is the bowl, which can be made of both plastic and glass. Both in the first and second versions there is a plus and a minus. Glass over time does not change color, does not absorb the smell, but with careless handling can break. If the container is made of plastic, then such a device will cost much cheaper, and breaking the bowl is not possible.

Disadvantages of stationary model:

  • not suitable for cooking small amounts of food;
  • complicated device: a lot of details, for the care of which will have to spend a lot of time and effort.


Today in the home appliance stores you can find such a novelty as mini blender A distinctive feature of which are small size and low power consumption.Purchase of such a model will be a good acquisition for owners of small kitchens.

Practical option for families with small children.

The mini blender is a versatile household appliance that is a good alternative to large devices. It can also be good chop any products, with the exception of meat, and mix different ingredients. Such a device would be a great gift for a family with small children, it is much cheaper than a submersible or stationary model, to all its merits, it takes up little space in the kitchen cupboard.

The capacity of the device is not designed for cooking large portions, it is a kind of positive quality, because you do not have to store part of the cooked dish in the fridge, which is impractical if you cook a very young child, or throw it away at all. In most cases, these devices are used exclusively for cooking. baby foodtherefore, quite often, they are completed with a measuring cup, containers for storage of mashed potatoes, spoons and a book with recipes (more about what other varieties are:Choosing a blender for cooking baby food).

With the help of a mini blender, you can prepare not only children's dishes in the form of mashed potatoes, but also other healthy foods, such as milk shakes, fruit or vegetable smoothies, juices, sauces.

 Mini blender

The device can be considered universal, because it can grind not only vegetables and fruits, but also solid foods, nuts, coffee, cereals, etc. In a short time, the device will prepare a cream for any cake or cake.

Mini blender is not demanding care. Due to its small size, it is easy to care for. Despite all the advantages of the device, you should pay attention that such devices have a low power, and small size will not allow to prepare full meals for the whole family.

Apparatus with steamer function

Many mini blenders are equipped with a useful and convenient function - a double boiler, its purpose in the ability to cook and also to defrost food. The device is really very practical, because it allows you to make a nutritious and healthy meal for your child without any difficulties. Cooking healthy food is possible due to gentle heat treatment while grinding food, which allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients that beneficially affect the unformed body.

It is important that products treated with steam retain the maximum amount of microelements and vitamins, which are indispensable for a growing child's body.

 Blender steamer


Indeed, many housewives have long been unable to imagine their life in the kitchen without such a device as a mini blender. He has long won recognition and respect. Many women, while preparing various dishes, are not able to do without it. The device has become an excellent solution to such a task as slicing onions without tears, chopping potatoes or cauliflower for baby puree, making smoothies, chopping nuts. It is required to make a milkshake - not a problem, the grinder will cope with this task perfectly.

Having the function of a double boiler is, of course, an additional plus to the existing ones in the form of healthy and healthy food. Due to its small size, this model is available to store in any kitchen, even the smallest, it is obvious that the device will not take up much space in the closet. This device is reasonably versatile, because it is able to replace the “adult” full-fledged model.

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Continuing the theme:

Stationary blenders, ranked in 2017 according to customers. Their main characteristics, as well as the identified advantages and disadvantages. Price level.

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