How to use a household epilator

Hair removal by the epilator is one of the effective methods of full-fledged epilation available in the domestic environment. The result lasts about 2 - 3 weeks, but the process itself can not be called sparing. To date, there are a lot of different models from simple to top, but the general principle of their operation is similar to the basic rules of the result. such consequences as ingrown hair, unpleasant painful abilities. Due to the characteristics of the epilator mechanism, inexperienced users after using the device may face such consequences as ingrown hairs, unpleasant pain, irritation or an unsatisfactory result. If you learn the basic rules of how to use the epilator, the procedure will be as comfortable and high-quality as possible.

 Epilator Brown

What you need to know about the devices

Unlike depilation, which involves removing only the outer part of the hair (shaving), epilation means getting rid of hairs along with the root. The principle of operation of the epilator is simple, but differs depending on the modification.

  1. Spring devices appeared one of the first. A spiral is built into the working part of the device. When moving, the spring catches the hairs and removes them from the root. Early versions rarely have modern features or nozzles, and their main drawback is the rapid failure of the working helix, which requires regular replacement of parts for further use of the epilator.
     Spring epilator

  2. Disk devices work a little differently. Epilating discs, installed in a special way, remove hairs when in contact with each other.
     Disc epilator

  3. Tweezers more effective than spring or disk. The rotating plates are arranged in a specific order, similar to the distribution of the hair follicles on the human body, which makes depilation more qualitative and helps to reduce pain.The most popular tweezers models are the Rowenta (Roventa) and Braun (Brown) trademarks.
     Forceps Epilator

There are various modifications of devices equipped with useful options. The procedure for epilating a bikini or underarm area can be very painful, especially for users with sensitive skin. Specifically, to facilitate the session, developed models with cooling heads.

The presence of such a head is an important criterion for choosing a device.

Some parts of the devices must be forced to cool, then immediately begin to remove hair. In addition to them, calming and cooling gloves are often used, they are applied to the treated area prior to the procedure and upon its completion.

Another type of instrument for painless hair removal by the epilator at home - devices with massage heads. They reliably adjoin to skin, excepting its stretching, namely this nuance brings sharp pain.

What are replaceable nozzles for?

Epilation of any type of epilator will be more comfortable if you use additional features - various interchangeable tips.Do not overlook, sometimes, not the cheapest accessories or multifunctional models.

Pain will be much lower if used blower block epilated area with cold air. Very useful tips for peeling the skin, the result of their use is just great: no flaking, gentle massage. Most importantly, such attachments help to deal with the problem of ingrown hair.


It is better to use the epilator in the bikini area, using a specially designed attachment.

Trimmer head to the epilator is intended for depilation of the bikini area and preparation of hair for epilation. According to the rules, the length of each individual hair before epilation should be 0.5 mm, the trimmer can cut off the extra length. There are also interchangeable blocks for removing individual, missed hairs.

Is it possible to shave an epilator? It turns out with the help of a special razor head You can quickly and effectively shave any part of the skin, if you do not have time for a complete procedure. Unlike any machine, the epilator with a razor attachment depilates the intimate zone, shaves hands and feet much better.

General rules of procedure

All the requirements, rules and recommendations on how to properly use the epilator are aimed at achieving the maximum effect with minimal pain. Especially they should listen to those who do hair removal for the first time. So, what do experienced users and cosmetologists advise?

  1. Epilation of the legs, arms or any other skin areas is performed. after taking a hot bath - This is a mandatory requirement. Why? Water warms the skin, opens the pores, while the hairs are removed much easier, and the procedure itself is not so painful.
  2. Before epilating a bikini or axillary zone, to process a place with talc or regular baby powder. Thus, the epilated area is degreased, and the thickness of the hairs increases. Epilator will be much easier to capture them all, which significantly reduces the time of the procedure.
  3. When using the epilator in sensitive areas (zones of deep bikini, epilation of armpits), painful sensations are inevitable, especially in the first times. Special removal will help to remove vegetation by the epilator without pain anesthetic creamFor example, based on lidocaine.
  4. To prepare the legs for the procedure, it is useful to make it easy skin massage, for other places this technique works, but to a lesser extent.
     Foot massage

  5. The correct direction of the device during the procedure is important: the epilator must be moved strictly against hair growth. Thus, the hairs will pull out, and not break around the root, and hair removal will be much more effective. Compliance with this rule will prevent irritation and ingrown hair on the legs.
  6. The length of the hair process must be at least 0.5 mm.
  7. It is forbidden to remove facial hair with a regular epilator, for this it is better to purchase laser device or a small photoepilator with Elos technology. To learn how to use a laser epilator, you can read in our article or watch videos.
  8. You can not use moisturizers or lotions before epilating a selected area. Such cosmetics make hairs too slippery, because of which the effectiveness of the device is many times lower.
  9. When epilating, avoid areas around moles, severe inflammation, irritation, burns.

About how to do hair removal by the epilator yourself, the manufacturer writes in the user manual.It is important to observe all precautions, do not use the device on those areas of the skin where there is varicose veins or other vascular diseases. Before you do hair removal, you should carefully read all the information provided.

Ingrown hair problem

For any type of hair removal or depilation, the problem of ingrown hair remains. Among the epilators there are models with interchangeable skin exfoliation tips after the session, but it is a separate procedure to deal with ingrown hair on different skin areas.

Hair grows into the skin in three cases:

  • when hair grows and curls, passes through the top layer of skin and grows in;
  • if you injure the hair follicle or break the hair shaft at the root, it continues to grow sideways, not upwards;
  • after epilation, the hairs become thin and weak, they are not able to penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis, and then grow under the skin.

 Ingrown hair

How to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon? A common solution to the problem is the active use of various abrasive scrubs based on ground coffee or ground apricot kernels. These manipulations can easily be replaced by a peeling nozzle, which, indeed, should be bundled with the epilator. Treat your legs after epilation regularly, and the problem of ingrown hair will not bother you. For inexperienced users, the problem when hair grows into the skin may seem insignificant, but do not neglect the methods of prevention.

It is worth noting that after using the epilator, the hair grows both in the armpit zone, and on the legs, and after processing the bikini area at home.

Treatment of selected skin areas

Depending on the chosen model of the epilator, the user can epilate or depilate practically any areas of hair on the body:

  • epilation of armpits;
  • epilation deep bikini;
  • epilation of arms and legs;
  • shaving legs with epilator;
  • shave armpits, bikini area.

Epilation of the armpits, bikini and deep bikini areas, the area under the knees will be the most difficult. The principle of hair removal on all selected areas of the body is the same: the device is leaned against the skin surface at an angle of 90 °. The procedure starts with processing small patches of skin. But before you start the procedure, you need to know how to prepare the skin for hair removal.

 Epilation bikini area

How to prepare for the procedure

Prepare the skin - this means, first of all, degrease it. How exactly do this? The day before the session and during the day after it, you should abandon the use of nutritious, fatty creams or lotions. The absence of a fat or cream film is one of the important conditions for preparing the skin for epilation.

Some experts advise wiping the skin with alcohol before processing.

It is necessary to thoroughly treat the skin with a scrub, peeling or hard washcloth for two days before the procedure. The manufacturer always writes in the instructions, which is possible. hair length. Obviously, too short a mechanism does not capture, but too long a mechanism will become an obstacle in achieving the desired effect. This is especially important when carrying out the depilation of intimate areas, because hairs there are very tough.

If the selected model is not intended for wet hair removal, the area to be treated should be well dried. Before the procedure, be sure to steam out the skin, then wipe dry with a towel.

How to reduce pain

Many people are interested in whether it is painful to remove hair with an electric epilator in the zone of a deep bikini, axillary hollows.As practice shows, yes, in sensitive places the procedure will be painful and uncomfortable, and all areas of the skin, with the exception of the legs, are referred to such areas. How to relieve epilation or at least reduce pain? There are special techniques that will help make hair removal less painful and achieve the desired result.

 Applying cream after hair removal

The question of how to reduce pain during epilation of epilator in intimate places remains relevant from the first days of the appearance of this device. Since then, the recommendations of manufacturers and the experience of many users have helped to figure out how to conduct a session so that it does not hurt.

  1. The use of various cooling accessories: anesthetic lotions, cooling gloves. In the absence of the necessary fit ice cubes, cold water. A user with extremely sensitive skin is recommended to pay attention to waterproof models, such devices can remove vegetation under water.
  2. It is not recommended to intensively treat large areas of the skin, the procedure should be approached with patience and methodically epylated selected areas.
  3. At first, the use of the epilator should be careful, you should not remove hair at high speeds, it is better to start with the first and gradually increase. Over time, the follicles will become weaker, the skin will get used to the procedure and the use of the epilator will become quite familiar, without pain.
  4. During depilation (before shaving legs, armpits or shaving hands) with a razor head, lotions, creams or gels should be used, slip-up - so the probability of irritation decreases.
  5. After epilation, the skin can be “calmed down” with the same cooling pad or special cosmetics (creams, gels, lotions after epilation).

For very sensitive skin, especially in the deep bikini area, you can purchase a delicate epilator tip. The size of this accessory is much smaller, the processing speed will also be lower, but this will reduce pain as much as possible.

In conclusion, you can add only one advice cosmetologists: do not use the epilator, if pain or the effects of hair removal cause serious discomfort. Each organism is individual and there are cases when this method of hair removal is not acceptable.

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