How to remake a music center under USB

Most likely, many still have old players, tape recorders or other audio systems. Throwing their hand does not rise, and leave - it makes no sense. Do not be upset. You can breathe life into these "old men". Alteration of old systems for USB - the task is quite simple, especially when it comes to the music center. Such work does not take much time, and it will cost quite a bit..

To mount parts from one system to another is a difficult and ungrateful job. Of course, you will adapt a few outdated instruments, but you will spend a lot of time. It is much easier to use the purchase module.

About embedded modules

Technical progress does not stand still. So the Chinese manufacturers decided to please the amateur masters by launching a special audio module for audio conversion. The system includes:

  1. Simple devices equipped with only a usb connector.
  2. Fancy models with a display for data output.
  3. Remote control, with which you can control the device.
  4. A certain number of connectors for different needs.

 Audio module for audio conversion

But these details are not enough even to create the simplest player. For this, and will use the old audio system. Well, if it is preserved in working condition. If not, not scary. The main thing is to work the necessary details:

  1. Battery pack, or a unit responsible for the charge.
  2. Columns from the old system, it is through them that the music will sound.
  3. Well, the sound amplifier built into the music center.

You can choose a device with different “twists and turns”, but to revive the old cassette will be enough for a simple module equipped with one port for usb and the ability to output sound.

 Sound conversion board

Sound conversion board

Module mounting

To install the audio module in the player, the latter will have to be disassembled a little. This is necessary to determine where the board will be installed.

The installation must be done in such a way that you can control the device using the remote control.

If you are familiar with electronics, you can solder the module to the wires.If this is not your hobby, you can install the item in the cassette compartment.

After determining the location of the installation, proceed to the installation of the audio module in the old stereo system:

  1. Armed with a skein of wire, you need to connect the power and sound output. To do this you need a circuit module and a music center.
  2. Work carefully as the wires are live.
  3. Having finished with the wires, we return to the installation of the board.
  4. If you rejected the cassette connector, and decided to install the module in another place, you will have to cut a hole for usb.
  5. After that, it remains only to connect the output of the audio module with the audio output card on your tape recorder. There are two ways to do this. The first is to solder the wire with the circuit, the second is to connect the input via aux, if there is one.
  6. We connect the power supply and check the operation of the equipment.

You should not expect much from such a device, because its functionality is limited by the capabilities of the module. But to listen to your favorite tracks revived music center is quite suitable.


To remake the old music center under usb, you do not have to put a lot of effort.You only need to order a special module for transcoding audio and install it in an old player. For a very small cost, you get a device that can play music from a flash drive.

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Continuing the theme:

What are the criteria for choosing the best music centers. Analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of several devices of this type, general recommendations for their choice. What should pay special attention.

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Music Center