Features of sterilizers for knives and musat

Sterilizer for knives and musat - a necessary type of technology, widely used in the food industry, and more often at home. The purpose of the device is to disinfect hand tools. Water in the device is used as a disinfecting agent. Sterilizers are most effective and easy to use. In the process of processing the tool, 100% removal of pathogens, fungi and any contaminants is achieved, and the use of a sterilizer is elementary.


Principle of operation

When handling foodstuffs, it is imperative to keep all tools clean. The specifics of working with meat, fish and other raw materials implies a constant accumulation of harmful microorganisms on the blades of knives.Practice shows that simple cleaning with water and detergents is not enough. Periodically, instruments must be sterilized to prevent ingress. microbes and fungus in food.

This task is greatly simplified sterilizers. They come in two varieties:

  • ultraviolet;
  • water.

First remove pathogenic flora by exposure ultraviolet radiation. The latter, by means of high temperatures on the surface of the instruments, remove from them any bacteria, fungi, protozoa microorganisms and rods, microscopic parasite larvae, which cannot be removed with ordinary washing. Thus, the surface of the working tool is completely decontaminated, becoming safe for further work.


UV Sterilizer

The main characteristics of water sterilizers

This type of device is the most common and sought-after due to its low cost and proven efficiency.

  1. The processing of the metal blades of the knives is carried out in water under the influence of high temperatures. Typically, indicators can range from 80 ° to 90 °.
  2. With the help of automatic digital control in the tank with a liquid, the temperature mode is set and maintained, as well as a visual control is carried out using a pointer thermometer.
  3. Sterilizers are made of of stainless steel and have double walls, which ensures excellent thermal insulation.
  4. In various models, you can sterilize a certain number of knives and musats.

 Water sterilizer

Application areas for knife sterilizers

In the production and catering facilities it is extremely important to ensure maximum hygiene in work with food products. Sterilizers for processing tools and, in particular, knives, help to achieve the required safety performance. They are widely used:

  • at meat processing plants;
  • in restaurants, cafes, canteens;
  • in factories and workshops, as sterilizers are suitable for treating musat and chain mail gloves;
  • in home kitchens.

As a result of the use of devices, hygiene indicators are significantly increased when working with food products; shelf life manufactured products, and improved safety performance when using this raw material for food.

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