Home doctor: electric body massager

Everyone knows what role massage performs for our body. For people who care about their health, an electric massager for the face, hands and body should always be at hand, ready to use at any time. The device can help with pain in the joints, with a feeling of stiffness of the muscles and other ailments. Consider how an electric massager acts and how to choose it correctly.

Types of massage

Massage is different:

  • prophylactic;
  • curative;
  • sports;
  • cosmetology;
  • tonic.

Of course, there are cases when therapeutic massage can be trusted. only professional. The same prophylactic or tonic procedure can be completely done on your own at home, using electric massagers for the body.

 Massage at home

Massage appointment

Massage is useful for everyone. Only not all have free time or financial opportunities to regularly attend massage rooms.

Massage is a healing and restorative procedure, and an effective remedy in the treatment of many diseases, and the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Procedures are effective in eliminating stress and depression, help with insomnia and overwork, accelerate the recovery of the body after past illness and injuries. Kneading muscles relieves spasms, improves the functioning of the circulatory system that feeds all the cells of our body. With normal blood circulation, the metabolism and nutrition of cells is restored. As a result, the state of health improves, vigor appears, a surge of strength is felt.

The use of an electric massager is recommended in the following cases:

  1. In the care of older people who can not exercise.
  2. In the care of bed patients, especially in urgent need of massage procedures.
  3. When performing a healing and restorative massage in various parts of the body.
  4. For cosmetology procedures;
  5. When performing sports massages to relieve stress under heavy loads on the musculoskeletal system.
  6. With preventive health procedures.

 Body electric massager

Use a massager at home is pretty easy and convenient. Compact size allows you to take it with you on trips.

Types of electric massage devices

In terms of application, massage devices are divided into:

  • Universal, having a set of nozzles for different parts of the body - back, shoulder girdle, arms, legs.
  • Special, designed for a specific area of ​​the body.

 Massage of different parts of the body

Manufacturers have not paid attention to those who seek keep youth and beauty. For this category of users, devices have been invented for carrying out a cosmetological massage that prevents the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. Massagers in this category are:

  • for face, neck, eye area;
  • for anti-cellulite procedures.

How to choose the necessary device

The variety of types of massage equipment often discourages the buyer, who decided to purchase the device. How to choose the best home massager?

The determining factor is the purpose of the device: which part of the body needs to be improved.

For people with vision problems, it is recommended eye Massager. It relieves tension from the eye muscles, improves blood circulation. The vision will become clearer, the eyelid swelling will disappear, and wrinkles will be smoothed out.

 Eye Massager

Face massager will help preserve the beauty and youth, tighten the oval, make the skin elastic, get rid of the double chin. Improved blood circulation smoothes wrinkles, gives the skin a healthy shade. This device will be indispensable for people who are not indifferent to their appearance.

 Face massager

Massager for head recommended for those who experience frequent headaches, migraines, dizziness, tinnitus. Using this device normalizes pressure, relieves stress and chronic fatigue.

 Massager for head

Shoulder and neck massager relieves pain in the shoulder girdle and neck. Improving blood circulation in these areas contributes to the treatment of osteochondrosis, diseases of the shoulder joints.

 Shoulder and neck massager

Massagers for hands and feet relieve tension of muscles, prevent joint diseases. Every day, the legs feel a lot of stress, a special burden falls on the joints of the legs and feet.Foot massage protects against stagnation in the veins. On the feet and palms of the hands there are many biologically active points, which are a projection of all internal organs. The impact on these points favorably affects the work of all the vital systems of our body.

 Massagers for hands and feet


Before purchasing a massage apparatus, you must make sure that you can use it. In some cases consultation of the attending physician is necessary. Electric massager is contraindicated:

  • small children and pregnant women;
  • cancer patient;
  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • when wearing a pacemaker;
  • diabetes;
  • with varicose veins;
  • in inflammatory skin diseases.

Massage treatments stimulate the immune system and are therefore wonderful. prevention of many diseases. Unfortunately, the ability to monitor their health is inherent in few people. But it should be noted that from year to year these people become more and more.

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