Silver ionizer for water treatment

Nowadays, when tap water often leaves much to be desired, more and more people are thinking about ways to clean it. The silver water ionizer is very popular. Its success is due to its compact size, ease of use, low cost and stories from the past, describing the amazing properties of silver.


To begin, let us figure out what silver looks like, not meant for wearing, but for water purification. Beautiful pendants attached to the chain - this is silver ionizers.Products are made for every taste, so you can easily find your own version. In addition, this item can be a great gift to lovers of a healthy lifestyle. The ionizer of water from test silver 925 is the best option in terms of price-quality ratio, in its composition copper and even gold are present in a small amount.

 Silver water ionizer in the form of fish

Principle of operation

Any silver water ionizer functions approximately equally - the pendant on the chain must be lowered into a container with water.

The contact of water with silver fills it with ions that have a beneficial effect on human health.

But there are devices whose device is a bit more complicated. They represent a whole apparatus, on the lid of which there are two rods of 10 g each. In a vessel we pour water, close the lid and only after that connect the device to the electrical grid. In about ten seconds, silver ions are released from the tubes. The electric ionizer is regulated, depending on the volume of the liquid and the area of ​​its application, with the help of a special adapter.

 Electric ionizer for water treatment

Highly ionized solution is suitable only for external use, it can not be drunk.

Do it yourself

This unit is easy to do with your own hands at home. The simple scheme of the cleaner calls into question the justification for the price of this device.

A home-made ionizer is a pair of electrodes placed in a three-liter jar of glass and fixed to its lid with screws or nuts.

Silver electrodes are connected to any rectifier.The electrode with a plus sign must be wrapped with a thick cloth, such as a tarp. Fabric must xgood oxygen. Check it out easily - bring the cloth to your lips and try to blow it out. In order not to confuse the electrodes when connecting, in advance draw on them the signs "plus" and "minus".

Water is better to use the one that has stood for several hours. Pour the liquid to the top of the fabric insulator. Calculate the length of the electrodes is necessary from the proportions of 10 cm by 0.5 liters. To make the electrodes, you need a silver jewelry wire - 0.5 mm in diameter.

Detailed instructions for making a silver ionizer do it yourself shown in the video.

The benefits and harm of silver water

Even in such a matter as the saturation of water with silver, you need to comply with the measure, otherwise instead of benefit, you can only get harm. Consider all the characteristics of the treatment fluid silver ionizer.

The benefits of silver have been seen since ancient times. Our ancestors preferred to store water in silver jugs, so it remained fresh for a long time. Silver plates were applied to the wounds for the purpose of disinfection. In our time, people have come up with silver water.

Disinfection with silver ions leads to the death of many microorganisms. On the destruction of microbes and built all advertising data cleaning devices.

However, there are some nuances. Silver is as heavy as lead, arsenic, etc., and has same degree of danger and rate of concentration. Human poisoning occurs at a dose of 60 mg. Death occurs from 1.3 grams or more.

The maximum allowable dose in drinking water is 50 µg per liter.

However, many microbes die only at a dose of 150 μg or more. Smaller doses block only reproduction processes. It turns out that, at the same time harming the bacteria, man also poisons his body.

There are a number of signs that indicate the poisoning of this metal:

  1. Argyria - deposits of substance on the skin.
  2. Pain in the right side and liver.
  3. Reduced vision.
  4. Brown and gray skin tone.
  5. Gastritis.
  6. Nausea, diarrhea.
  7. Runny nose with blood.

If any of these symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately!

If, however, in accuracy to comply with permissible norms, the silver ionizer will significantly improve the quality of water in your home.

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Quality air ionizer for an apartment: rating of the best options for today. The use of an ionizer, principle of operation, tips on choosing the most effective device.

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