How to properly place and store food in the refrigerator

Not every housewife knows how to properly store food in the refrigerator. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in this, but there are some subtleties that need to be taken into account so that the food stays fresh for a long time and does not absorb extraneous odors. Improper storage contributes to the fact that products begin to deteriorate faster, despite the low temperature in the refrigerator.

Container storage

Currently, people do not understand how to store food without a refrigerator. It is impossible to imagine how humanity used to do without this device. A lot of different foods are stored in the refrigerator, so in order for the smells not to mix with each other, it is recommended to arrange the food in containers.For these purposes are used plastic and glass containers that are designed for food.

It is believed that glass containers are of higher quality, environmentally friendly and durable compared to plastic, so they cause more confidence among consumers. However, this does not mean that plastic dishes are bad. Now many companies produce high-quality plastic containers for storing, freezing and heating food. Such containers are inexpensive, and the food in them will remain fresh for a long time and will not absorb foreign odors.

 Plastic food storage containers

To store food in the refrigerator should purchase containers of different volumes and shapes. You can choose one color scheme or choose a specific color for each product.

To constantly not open all containers in search of any food, it is recommended to stick a piece of paper on it with the name and the date of filling. You can place the containers in the correct order in order to first eat those products that were placed in them before others.

Storage in containers not only saves food better, but also saves a lot of space in the refrigerator.

Proper product placement

How to store products correctly? In the fridge, each shelf has certain temperature. If you follow all the rules for placing products, they will retain their freshness much longer. At the same time, it is also possible to save electricity, since it is consumed much more if the refrigerator is clogged and the air in it circulates poorly.

The coldest shelf is the one under the freezer. It is best to store products that quickly deteriorate. These are butter, milk, kefir, yoghurts, cheese, baked ham and sausage. In addition, the upper shelf is intended for the storage of meat and fish, which need to be prepared in the next day.

 What shelves which products to store

It is recommended to place ready-made soups, porridges, main dishes on the middle and lower shelves. All this can be put directly in pots or put into containers. Bottles with wine and mineral water can be placed in the center. In order for them not to roll on the shelves, you need to purchase a special mat in the store that will hold them in one place. With it, you can stack the bottles on top of each other, which will also save space.In addition, it is good to keep groceries and open canned goods on these shelves.

At the bottom of the refrigerator are drawers. Usually they store vegetables. It is advisable to sort them into special packages separately from each species. It is necessary to inspect the vegetables regularly and, if there is at least one spoiled one, you should immediately throw it away, because it can quickly rot the rest. All vegetables should always be fresh.

The temperature on the door of the refrigerator is changeable, as it constantly opens. Do not store perishable food in this area. Here you can put sauces, ketchups, juices, canned food, vegetable oil, pickles.

 How to store food in the freezer

Frozen foods such as meat, fish, berries, vegetables, convenience foods, and ice cream are stored in the freezer. It is best to store all of this in special packages and sign them, because with time you can forget how long the products have been in the freeze.

Many modern refrigerators are equipped with a “zero camera”. It is also called the "zone of freshness." It can store perishable foods that are desirable to eat in the near future.

What can not be stored in the refrigerator

Some products do not need to be stored in cold conditions. What should not be in the refrigerator? For a variety of conservation does not need cold, so you can simply remove the banks in a cool place. Not all vegetables and fruits retain their freshness well in the refrigerator. Potatoes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, pears, apples, oranges and tangerines feel great at room temperature. Do not clutter up the shelves without the need for nuts, olive oil, vinegar, honey, juices in tetrapacks.

What foods can not be stored in the refrigerator? It is strictly not recommended to put there bananas, melons and pineapples. From the cold, they can turn black and quickly deteriorate.

 What can not be stored in the refrigerator

Useful tips

All products should be placed in the refrigerator so that, if possible, they do not come into contact with each other.

You can not store next:

  • ready meals and raw;
  • smoked products and various cheeses;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fish and meat;
  • oils and fragrant spices;
  • eggs next to any meal.

In order for products to retain their freshness longer, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • cheese is best stored if wrapped in foil;
  • smoked sausage retains its freshness and appearance better if it is smeared with vegetable oil;
  • bread stays fresh longer and retains its taste in the freezer;
  • sausage, cheese, ham, fruit are best kept in the refrigerator as a whole piece, and not sliced;
  • milk and kefir is best poured into a glass jar;
  • It is not recommended to store vegetables and fruits in a plastic bag.

Each hostess must be aware of how many days a particular product is stored. Eggs can lie on the shelf for about 3 weeks. Do not transfer them from the factory tray. In it they will be stored longer. Cooked or baked meat will not lose its freshness for 5 days. If meat products were cooked in a sauce, then the period during which they can be consumed should not exceed 3 days. Fresh vegetables soups are preferably consumed during the day, meat soups can be eaten no more than 2 days, and borscht and cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Sweet desserts are perishable foods. Cakes, cakes with fruit and cream-based cream should be eaten within 48 hours aftercooking

 Food storage time

Clean in the fridge

A clean refrigerator is not only beautiful and pleasant, but also useful. If you take care of it correctly, it will be longer used without breakage and it is better to keep food. It is recommended once a month to lay out the contents of the shelves and wash the fridge completely soft sponge with detergent. If the device requires defrosting, you must first turn it off and wait until the freezer is thawed (for more details see the articlehow to defrost a refrigerator).

In a clean fridge there will always be freshness and a pleasant smell.

If every family follows these simple rules, it will help them reduce the amount of food waste and save money on food.

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