What is better to use: mantovarka or double boiler

In an era when a healthy lifestyle is not just a myth, but a real reality, manufacturers of household appliances began to produce a lot of tools that help housewives to cook tasty and healthy food for a couple. The range of such products is very wide, and sometimes it is not at all easy to determine which of these is better - a mantovark or a double boiler.

The peculiarity of these devices is that they make it possible to cook almost any dish, while maintaining the healthy properties of the products and saving the time of the hostess.

Mantovarka and double boiler - belong to the same category of devices, but this is not the same thing. The first is conceived solely for cooking manti (however, the housewives use it for other purposes), the second is a saucepan for cooking various dishes. Combines the same devices - cooking for a couple.

Advantages of technology

To decide on the dilemma of "mantovarka or double boiler", you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of each device.

Advantages of the Mantawaker:

  1. Despite the fact that its main purpose is to cook manti, other flour products are prepared therein just as well. For example, preheated pizza will retain its shape.
  2. Electric models are equipped with a sensor that protects the device from overheating, as well as a water level indicator.
  3. Mantovarka has a large set of built-in functions that will facilitate the kitchen work hostess.
  4. Long service life and reliable construction.
  5. You can cook a large amount of food.


It is interesting that in standard models you can only use water, but in expensive and high-quality man-cookers you can pour broths, wine or tea.

Pluses steamers:

  1. The steamer is designed for cooking exactly for a couple, which makes it possible to eat such food to the sick or undergoing surgery.
  2. With its help you can cook not only fresh, but also frozen foods.
  3. In a double boiler, you can make a sauce, cream or natural yogurt.
  4. It is possible to cook several dishes at once.
  5. If you have a special pan, the smells of the food will not mix.
  6. Any model has the option of heating and the end of cooking indicator.
  7. The device itself is quite light and compact, does not take up much space.

 Double boiler

Basis of choice

To understand the difference between a steamer and a mantovarka, it is not enough to know the merits of each device. It is important to understand what significant differences they have, and what will suit you more:

  1. If we compare the number of tiers, then the mantovark is in the lead. Steamer has up to three sections.
  2. The holes in the double boiler are located throughout the entire area except the center, while the mantovark is also equipped with a central circle for better steam supply.
  3. Steam in a double boiler comes from the bottom up, which allows odors to not mix.
  4. As for cooking, the food in a mantovark is more moist and juicy.
  5. A steamer is, rather, a versatile device in which you can cook not only manti or dumplings, but also other dishes.

Judging by how much these devices differ in price, there is no serious difference. Unless, of course, you get a fancy technique with many functions.

To suit

One may compare the advantages and disadvantages, identify differences and similarities of the devices,but only personal wishes of family members and their needs will influence the final choice.

Mantovarka fit those who live in a large family or often receive guests. That is, those who have to cook a lot and often. True, it should be understood that with this preparation, the whole family should adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Steamer fit for cooking for one or two people. You can cook some of the vegetables yourself, and fry the rest with your favorite spices. So all members of your family will be happy.

 Cooking in a double boiler


It is worth noting that if you and your family are big lovers to eat manti, khinkali or dumplings, then the mantovark is created just for you. If you just want to cook healthy food for a couple, it is better to buy a steamer. This opinion is shared by many customers, arguing that they prefer a double boiler because of its polyfunctionality.

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Continuing the theme:

Rating of double boilers 2017: review of the best models based on user opinion and technical characteristics. Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of participants in the rating.

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