How can I paint the microwave inside

A microwave oven is a daily use item that is firmly established in our daily life. Buying a device, we expect that it will serve faithfully for one year. In addition to standard technical faultswhich can be encountered during the operation, there is a problem associated with the deformation of the paint on the surface. The paint exfoliates, flakes, it not only spoils the external impression, but also has a negative impact on the functionality of the microwave. How can you paint the microwave inside and is it possible to do it yourself? Let's try to figure it out.

How to choose paint

In fact, in the case of significant defects in the enamel device, most simply prefer to replace the microwave with a new one and not wrestle with its restoration.However, as a rule, if everything is done correctly, the oven can last a very long time, so before you say goodbye to it, read the tips on how to properly restore the device.

 Rust in the microwave

When choosing paint for your oven, it is recommended to be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Enamel should not release harmful substances. When heated, this possibility increases many times; it should be taken into account.
  2. The surface after treatment should be resistant to conditions of excessive humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations.
  3. The selected enamel must match the original color scheme of the device, in which case the oven will look harmonious.

Types of paints

There are the following main types of paints and enamels used for processing microwave ovens.

Special organic food

Perhaps this is the best option, though not the cheapest. Such coatings are absolutely resistant to all kinds of adverse effects, such as elevated temperatures, alcohol vapors, acids, high levels of humidity, and are safe for health, because the compositions of which they are made,designed specifically for the food industry. Best organic paints fall on aluminum or metal.

 Food enamel

Enamels for the food industry are used as standard for painting containers for storing drinking water and other products, so the substances used to create them meet the most demanding requirements. They are a combination of zinc powder and an alcohol solution with a special treatment.

Enamels perfectly protect the microwave from the formation and development of corrosion due to the so-called "cold galvanizing", withstand temperatures up to 100 0With and very water resistant.


The composition of such paints can be developed on the basis of zinc, aluminum, silver or shungite. After drying, the coating becomes resistant to negative external factors and withstands temperatures. up to 150-2000WITH. With all their advantages, they are rarely used in household practice, since their price is high.

 Electrically conductive enamels


Shungite is a breed characterized by a high energy-saving function. One ton of rock contains 300 kg of schungite carbon, which by its activity far exceeds coke.Shungite is distinguished by such properties as electrical conductivity, strength and density, thanks to which it is perfectly suitable for creating heat-resistant and antistatic bases. Therefore, for microwaves such options are perfect.

 Schungite enamels

Acrylic automotive

The most common option, simple and inexpensive compared to previous ones. This paint is made in cans, thanks to which it is convenient to use it, one bottle is usually enough for a full color of the internal chamber of the microwave. Before painting, it is necessary to carefully treat the rust with sandpaper, then degrease the surface, only then spray it. A single coat is usually sufficient.

 Acrylic automotive enamels

How to paint

The process of coloring the microwave oven is extremely simple and consists of three main stages:

  1. Surface preparation - cleaning from the old coating with ordinary sandpaper. It is necessary to pay attention to the bubbles, which must be aligned.
  2. Degrease with alcohol or any solution based on it.
  3. The application of a new coating and the expectation of its complete drying.

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to throw out the microwave when the first paint defects appear, it is quite within the power of everyone to update it independently. You can use a variety of paint options to suit your capabilities. Whatever you use, it is better to paint the microwave as quickly as possible, without waiting for serious problems in its work.

Comments: 2
Continuing the theme:

The best models of microwave ovens: the current rating of 2017. Comparison of microwave ovens from different manufacturers, taking into account the technical capabilities, cost and quality. The most popular models, their pros and cons.

Comments: 2
Alexey / 06/12/2018 at 06:10

Now it can only be sold at a higher price.

    Helena / 04/09/2018 at 04:09

    Newton's paint, in the video, is recommended for painting the microwave ONLY OUTSIDE !!!


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