Plays of Panasonic home cinema

When adjusting the sound level (from medium to maximum) of the DVD player of a Panasonic home cinema player, playback is disabled, or the whole complex is turned off. Error code f61 is shown on the display. According to the explanation of operational documents, the code corresponds to the absence of a signal on the audio playback devices (columns).

 Home cinema

Why an error may appear

  1. Wrong DK connection or poor contact.
  2. The breaking resistor (power supply unit) is broken.
  3. The cooling fan does not work.
  4. Faulty channel amplifier.
  5. Breakdown diodes in the executive circuit of the ULF.
  6. The Zener diode is broken in the ULF protection circuit.

These are typical reasons. If any of these are present, the Panasonic unit reads the parameters as F61 error..

Equipping a multi-circuit protection system (short circuit, excessive temperature rise) requires compliance with the program values.The system is configured for specific values ​​of input and output signals of each block of the circuit. PCONT circuits and DC_DET circuits must be similar in characteristics and be 5 V. When the deviation from the set points, the cooling fan does not start, an error signal F61 appears, therefore, the entire circuit is disconnected.

 Problem diagnosis

The procedure for checking the grounds for the occurrence of an error code.

  1. Inspect the fans (contamination, shaft play, condition of the motor windings).
  2. Measure the resistance on each channel. Infinitely large resistance is the reason to check the amplifier chip. In the absence of a signal, replace the part. As a rule, after its replacement, the player works, and the F61 code no longer appears.
  3. Track the parameters of diodes (D2907) ULF (can be positioned as serviceable).
  4. Check the zener diodes (D565, D563, D566, D564) of the ULF protection (can be positioned as serviceable).

To summarize, when f61 appears, it is necessary to check the contacts and the operability of the DCDET connector, the transistors adjacent to it, the resistors (low-resistance) in the power conditioner and the ULF.

In addition to the above, possible damage to the capacitors (do not accumulate sufficient power), other resistances,breakdown of transistors in control circuits, etc. When an unusable chain element is detected, it is replaced. Details are sometimes put more power than provided by the manufacturer (the circuit is more resistant to the reaction of protection to fluctuations of parameters).

 Electronic boards

When does f76 appear?

Failure of operation of the drive drive of the Panasonic cinema when operating occurs less frequently. The complex problem is associated with the f76 code. Sometimes both codes appear sequentially. The first error is f76, and after the elimination, error f61 pops up. This is due to interconnected control and protection systems.

Possible causes of the f76 error:

  1. Power failure IC or SD (power supply system).
  2. Damaged (disconnected) flexible power cable.
  3. Violation of the servo-processor IC.

These faults are eliminated by replacing damaged Panasonic components. In the power supply the resistor R5987 is the weakest. Replacing it with a similar one with 47 kOhm power solves the problem of the drive, but this is exactly the case when there are difficulties with sound reproduction. In private practice, the removal from the circuit of the DC circuit of DET1 of the transistor Q6702 provided a stable performance of 5V and both faults stopped blocking the power supply.

The systems of protection and self-diagnosis of the Panasonic cinema stop the drive operation at the slightest deviation of the spindle current from the nominal.

Not being a professional in the field of radio electronics, it is necessary to diagnose and home theater repair assign to specialists, in order to avoid more serious damage. This rule applies to any household appliances. Independent repair of the TV or water heater is possible only if you possess certain skills and knowledge, otherwise irreparable damage may be caused to the equipment.

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